black and white bed linen

Descubre el poder del Unicornio Negro

Consulta y transforma tu vida con nuestros servicios espirituales y de sanación.

Bienvenidos al Unicornio Negro

Tu guía espiritual en Catemaco, Veracruz. Ofrecemos servicios de limpieza, sanación y amor para ayudarte a recuperar tu bienestar y felicidad.

Three tarot cards are laid out on a dark surface alongside a bundle of white sage in a small dish. A white lit candle and several dried leaves are also present. The tarot cards depict various images including swords, birds, and a moonlit scene.
Three tarot cards are laid out on a dark surface alongside a bundle of white sage in a small dish. A white lit candle and several dried leaves are also present. The tarot cards depict various images including swords, birds, and a moonlit scene.



Confianza y amor

Experiencia única

Servicios Mágicos Especiales

Ofrecemos soluciones espirituales para amor, sanación y limpieza energética. ¡Contáctanos hoy!

A collection of colorful tarot cards is spread out on a wooden surface, featuring intricate artwork and vibrant imagery. A bundle of sage wrapped with string is placed in the foreground, while a blurred crystal sits behind the cards.
A collection of colorful tarot cards is spread out on a wooden surface, featuring intricate artwork and vibrant imagery. A bundle of sage wrapped with string is placed in the foreground, while a blurred crystal sits behind the cards.
Hechizos de Amor

Transforma tu vida amorosa con nuestros poderosos hechizos y rituales personalizados.

Limpieza Espiritual

Purifica tu cuerpo y alma, eliminando energías negativas y bloqueos emocionales.

Lectura de Tarot

Descubre respuestas y guía a través de nuestra intuitiva lectura de tarot.

Testimonios Clientes

Descubre cómo el Unicornio Negro ha transformado vidas con sus servicios.

Gracias al Unicornio Negro, recuperé a mi pareja y encontré paz interior.

María López
Three tarot cards are arranged in a row on a white surface, depicting a lion, a butterfly, and a tree with roots. Surrounding the cards are several crystals, including an amethyst cluster with a lit candle and various other gemstones.
Three tarot cards are arranged in a row on a white surface, depicting a lion, a butterfly, and a tree with roots. Surrounding the cards are several crystals, including an amethyst cluster with a lit candle and various other gemstones.


El Unicornio Negro me ayudó a limpiar mi energía y sanar mis heridas. Su lectura de tarot fue reveladora y me dio claridad en mi vida amorosa.

Three tarot cards are placed on a flat surface surrounded by scattered flower petals and a lit candle. The cards are titled 'The Age of Light', 'Dance with Life', and 'Starseed', each with illustrated imagery and accompanying subtitles. The candle is centrally located above the cards, casting a warm glow.
Three tarot cards are placed on a flat surface surrounded by scattered flower petals and a lit candle. The cards are titled 'The Age of Light', 'Dance with Life', and 'Starseed', each with illustrated imagery and accompanying subtitles. The candle is centrally located above the cards, casting a warm glow.
Juan Pérez




Estoy aquí para ayudarte con tus problemas de amor y limpiar tu energía espiritual. Escríbeme.